T-Shirt 新短版(手繪)翱翔是我的命定-紅鷹 Soaring is my destiny. (Eagle)
反面文字: Christ in me the Hope of Glory. Col. 1:27
顏色 : 紅色
設計的故事 The Story of the Design
Jessica Liu Design存在的目的,就是要經由我們在此時空,身上所穿的形象,表達宣告出神的心意。當我默想神在此時要如何表達她自己的時候,瑪拉基書3:2充滿了我的心有如火焰燃燒,我花了3天的時間在地板上工作,試著將這個信息,展現給祂百姓-尊榮的族類,以及世人——–祂真的有如烈火快要臨到。
The purpose of Jessica Liu Design is to present God’s heart and mind in a picture form, to declare them through the imagines we wear in this space and time.
When I meditate on what God would like to present Himself at this moment, Malachii.3:2 filled my heart burning like fire, I spent 3 days working on the floor to deliver this message to His people, the tribe of honor, and to the world that He is really coming soon like a refiner’s fire.
Jessica Liu 2010