歌羅西書1:27 基督在你裡面是有榮耀的盼望。
基督的二次再來要更新這個世界,聖經中使用了希臘文παρουσία (parusia) 這個字,所指的不是一次突然的事件,而是一個過程和一連串的事件。基督的榮耀首先要經由祂成熟的兒子們,彰顯在這地上及宇宙中。
興起,發光!因為你的光已經來到!耶和華的榮耀發現照耀你。看哪,黑暗遮蓋大地,幽暗遮蓋萬民,耶和華卻要顯現照耀你;他的榮耀要現在你身上。萬國要來就你的光,君王要來就你發現的光輝。 以賽亞書60:1-3
以賽亞書60:1-2講到兩種榮耀,一種是在哥羅西書1:17(基督在我們裡面是有榮耀的盼望)所指出我們裡面基督的榮耀,要從我們裡面顯現到外面。(請參閱榮耀商店中 神兒子興起的國度時代、魂體榮耀的門 等等相關的教導)第二種榮耀是「你的光已經從外面來到」。「來到」的原文意思是:「來到、臨到、由神加添、伸手觸摸」。這一個部份從外降臨的榮耀,大家可以經由2016年以來,我們每年聚辦的榮耀學校中所經驗榮耀從外加添、進入、彰顯,體會到上帝可見的榮耀。
在天堂與地上正合而為一的過程中,哈巴谷書2:14 「認識耶和華榮耀的知識,如水充滿洋海」 的應許正逐漸在實現中。榮耀事工於2019年所開始舉辦 純淨的語言 活的字母 學校,就是為了這個目的。這是另一個神在這個季節所啟示的新領域-創造的榮耀奧秘。
What Glory Ministries Believe and Do
Welcome to Glory Ministries.
God created man according to His own image. Human Beings are unique and honorable, the only creation that can host the glory of God. (Genesis 1) God’s command to His people is to proclaim and reveal the glory of God, to make all creations blessed by God and to share the glory of God with mankind. (Romans 8:19-21) The establishment scripture of the Glorious Ministries is based on the scripture that God gave to Dr. Jessica Liu in her experience of encountering God many years ago which is
Colossians 1:27 Christ in you the hope of Glory.
Currently, there are three main ministries of the Glory Ministries.
Glory Academy: Open different schools to equip all saints
Glory Fellowship: Fostering discipleship, a stable fellowship that saints can grow and love one another in the Lord
Glory Publishing: Publishing books and audio/video resources by Dr. Jessica Liu and authors related to Glory Ministries
Glory Academy
The second coming of Christ is to renew the world. The Greek word παρουσία (parusia) is the word used in the Bible translated as the coming of Christ. It refers not to a sudden event, but to a process and a series of events. The glory of Christ is first manifested on this earth and in the universe through His mature sons.
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you.
Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
Isaiah 60:1-3
Isaiah 60:1-2 speaks of two kinds of glory, one of which is the glory of Christ in us (Colossians 1:17 Christ is the hope of glory in us), which can be revealed from us to the outside. (Please refer to the following teachings in Glory Publishing for detail: The Rise of the sons of God in the age of God’s Kingdom, The glory doors of the spirit, soul and body, etc.) The second kind of glory comes from outside, added by God. (…for your light has come…His glory appears over you…) This part of the glory can be experienced through the annual Glory School we have hosted since 2016, how God’s visible Glory add to , enter in and manifest on us.
As we grow become mature son of God, we need to learn bearing Kingdom’s responsibility, and ruling with God in Kingdom’s way. To achieve this goal we firstly have to manage our own lives and surroundings, such as our family, career and so on. Then participate in the governance of the country and city that God has allow us to. In this respect, we have organized a School of Transformation Heavenly Court course to help you start practicing in ruling your own sphere in the way of heavenly governance. You can see many personal and city conversion testimonies on our website.
When heaven and earth are united, what Habakkuk 2:14 says that “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” is gradually being realized. The school of Pure Language, Living Letters that Glory Ministries hosts from 2019 is to respond to this prophecy. This is another new field that God has revealed in this season – the mystery of His glory creating. Everything in heaven is alive, so we need to know them and connect with them, making them part of our lives. Connecting to the divine language created by God is not only the mind knowledge or the study of archaeology and exegesis. God will fully restore this divine language in the last days, allowing the living letters take us into the revelation that is higher than our mind can understand. Carl Whitehead is a Christian and a Jew. Since he met these letters supernaturally, he still receiving new revelations from them every day. Our school is the first time that his courses being taught in another language than his own, which is very precious.
Glory Fellowship: Through the following monthly open meetings to establish a fellowship for saints to grow in God’s love and truth to be mature sons of God: Monthly Services: Praise and Worship services, Bible Study, Speaking in Tongues Cell Groups, Bible Study Cell Groups and Closed Disciples’ Meetings.
Glory Publishing: Publishing Dr. Jessica Liu and other ministers that are related to Glory Ministries, their books and other audio video resources. Please refer to Online Glory Store on our website for detail.
Glory Ministries